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Ghost upgrade script

Posted on in linux, software-development, bash

The following is a bash script to upgrade your Ghost installation automatically to the latest version. The script is meant to be used on an Arch linux installation but should be pretty generic. On other distro's you should only have to change the lines to start/stop ghost. (see "Stopping Ghost" & "Starting Ghost" below)

Important: This does not update your template, in case you've made modifications to it yourself. This will still have to be done manually.



if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
    echo "Arg 1 must be the path to the blog folder!"
    exit 1

echo 'Stopping Ghost'
sudo systemctl stop <servicename>

echo 'BACKUP starting'
tar -capf $BACKUP_FILE -C $BLOG_PATH .
echo 'BACKUP done'


    echo 'Downloading latest Ghost version'
    wget -q $GHOST_UPDATE_URL -P /tmp/
    rm -rf $LATEST_FOLDER
    unzip -q /tmp/ -d $LATEST_FOLDER

    echo 'Overwriting root files'
        cd $LATEST_FOLDER;
        cp *.js *.json *.md LICENSE $BLOG_PATH

    echo 'Replacing core directory'
    rm -rf "$BLOG_PATH/core"
    cp -r "$LATEST_FOLDER/core" "$BLOG_PATH/core"

    echo 'Installing Ghost dependencies'
        cd $BLOG_PATH;
        npm install --production --quiet

    echo 'Upgrade done!'
} || {
    echo 'BACKUP restore'
    rm -rf $BLOG_PATH
    mkdir $BLOG_PATH
    tar -xf $BACKUP_FILE -C $BLOG_PATH
    echo 'BACKUP restore done'

echo 'Starting Ghost'
sudo systemctl start <servicename>

This post is written by Jeroen Pelgrims, an independent software developer who runs

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